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This tutorial demonstrates how to generate a particle_reader in Relion using cryojax. This tutorial builds upon tools already shown in other tutorials, so we might skip over some details.

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

First we will do all the imports required to run the tutorial

# Jax and Equinox imports
from functools import partial

import equinox as eqx
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxtyping import PRNGKeyArray
# Plotting imports and functions
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

def plot_image(image, fig, ax, cmap="gray", label=None, **kwargs):
    im = ax.imshow(image, cmap=cmap, origin="lower", **kwargs)
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
    fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
    if label is not None:
    return fig, ax
# CryoJAX imports

import cryojax.simulator as cxs
from import (
from cryojax.image import operators as op
from import read_atoms_from_pdb
from cryojax.rotations import SO3

Generating a starfile¤

We have split this tutorial in two parts. In the first part we will generate a starfile, but we will not generate any particles. In the second part we will show how to generate particles from a starfile, and how to save such particles to the respective MRC Files.

We have decided to keep this two steps separate for a simple reason, flexibility. We want to make it possible for every user to design their own image formation pipeline. In some of our other tutorials we have showed how to generate noiseless image, images with solvent noise, or images with noise coming from a distribution. You can easily adapt this tutorial to those cases, or any other pipeline you build.

Now we will start by generating a starfile. To do this, we will first create a cryojax RelionParticleMetadata.

In this function we vmap over jax random keys. You can adapt this function to your needs, such as adapting the range of the distributions for the random parameters, or changing wheter a parameter is random or not.

from cryojax.utils import get_filter_spec

@partial(eqx.filter_vmap, in_axes=(0, None), out_axes=(eqx.if_array(0), None))
def make_particle_parameters(
    key: PRNGKeyArray, instrument_config: cxs.InstrumentConfig
) -> tuple[RelionParticleParameters, RelionParticleParameters]:
    # Generate random parameters

    # Pose
    # ... instantiate rotations

    key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)  # split the key to use for the next random number

    rotation = SO3.sample_uniform(subkey)
    key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)  # do this everytime you use a key!!

    # ... now in-plane translation
    ny, nx = instrument_config.shape
    offset_in_angstroms = (
        jax.random.uniform(subkey, (2,), minval=-0.2, maxval=0.2)
        * jnp.asarray((nx, ny))
        * instrument_config.pixel_size
    # ... build the pose
    pose = cxs.EulerAnglePose.from_rotation_and_translation(rotation, offset_in_angstroms)

    # CTF Parameters
    # ... defocus
    defocus_in_angstroms = jax.random.uniform(subkey, (), minval=1000, maxval=1500)
    key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)

    astigmatism_in_angstroms = jax.random.uniform(subkey, (), minval=0, maxval=100)
    key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)

    astigmatism_angle = jax.random.uniform(subkey, (), minval=0, maxval=jnp.pi)
    key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)

    phase_shift = jax.random.uniform(subkey, (), minval=0, maxval=0)
    # no more random numbers needed

    # now generate your non-random values
    spherical_aberration_in_mm = 2.7
    amplitude_contrast_ratio = 0.1
    b_factor = 170.0
    ctf_scale_factor = 1.0

    # ... build the CTF
    transfer_theory = cxs.ContrastTransferTheory(
        envelope=op.FourierGaussian(b_factor=b_factor, amplitude=ctf_scale_factor),

    relion_particle_parameters = RelionParticleParameters(
    filter_spec = get_filter_spec(
        lambda x: (
    return eqx.partition(relion_particle_parameters, filter_spec)
# Generate instrument config
instrument_config = cxs.InstrumentConfig(
    shape=(128, 128),
    pad_scale=1.0,  # no padding

# Generate RNG keys
number_of_images = 100
keys = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), number_of_images)

# ... instantiate the RelionParticleMetadata
particle_parameters_vmap, particle_parameters_novmap = make_particle_parameters(
    keys, instrument_config

To see the values of any particular parameter, you can do

Lastly, we can easily generate the starfile from the built-in function.

The mrc_batch_size parameter let's you specify how many particles you want per mrcfile.

In this case we will place 50 images per mrcfile, giving us two mrcfiles.

# ... generate the starfile
particle_parameters = eqx.combine(particle_parameters_vmap, particle_parameters_novmap)
    particle_parameters, "./", mrc_batch_size=50

Simulating particles based on a starfile and writing them to mrcs¤

Now we will see how to define the functions required for our write_simulated_image_stack_from_starfile function to work.

First, let's define our potential and let's load the starfile

Simulating noiseless images¤

First, we will generate a stack without noise using one of cryojax imaging pipelines.

# First load the starfile

path_to_mrc_files = "./relion_dataset_particles/noiseless"

metadata = RelionParticleMetadata(
    path_to_starfile="./",  # starfile we created
    path_to_relion_project=path_to_mrc_files,  # here is where the mrcs will be saved

For more information on reading data in RELION, check our Read a particle stack tutorial.

Now let's define the structure we will use to generate images. In this case, we show how to load a pdb and then turn it into a voxel grid. We all need to define how we will integrate our potential.

filename = "./data/groel_chainA.pdb"
atom_positions, atom_identities, b_factors = read_atoms_from_pdb(
    filename, assemble=False, get_b_factors=True
atomic_potential = cxs.PengAtomicPotential(atom_positions, atom_identities, b_factors)

# get values from the "optics" datablock in the starfile
box_size = metadata[0].instrument_config.shape[0]
voxel_size = metadata[0].instrument_config.pixel_size

real_voxel_grid = atomic_potential.as_real_voxel_grid(
    shape=(box_size, box_size, box_size), voxel_size=voxel_size
potential = cxs.FourierVoxelGridPotential.from_real_voxel_grid(
    real_voxel_grid, voxel_size, pad_scale=2

potential_integrator = cxs.FourierSliceExtraction(interpolation_order=1)

Now we will build a function that generates an imaging pipeline from a relion_particle_metadata

from typing import Any

def build_imaging_pipeline_from_relion_particle_metadata(
    relion_particle_parameters: RelionParticleParameters,
    args: Any,
) -> cxs.ContrastImagingPipeline:
    potential, potential_integrator = args

    structural_ensemble = cxs.SingleStructureEnsemble(
        potential, relion_particle_parameters.pose

    scattering_theory = cxs.WeakPhaseScatteringTheory(
    imaging_pipeline = cxs.ContrastImagingPipeline(
        relion_particle_parameters.instrument_config, scattering_theory
    return imaging_pipeline

and a function that simply computes images from a relion_particle_metadata. They don't really need to be in separate functions.

def compute_image(
    relion_particle_parameters: RelionParticleParameters,
    args: Any,
    imaging_pipeline = build_imaging_pipeline_from_relion_particle_metadata(
        relion_particle_parameters, args
    return imaging_pipeline.render()
image = compute_image(metadata[0], (potential, potential_integrator))
plot_image(image, plt.figure(), plt.gca(), label="Simulated Image");
No description has been provided for this image

Finally, we can use this function to write a particle stack!

args = (potential, potential_integrator)  # the args compute_image takes


How does write_simulated_image_stack_from_starfile work?

The arguments to call this function are:

  • metadata: needs to be an instance of RelionParticleMetadata
  • compute_image: function that should take (RelionParticleParameters, args) or (jax.PRNGKey, RelionParticleParameters, args) as input
  • args: the args for compute_image function
  • is_jittable: whether or not your function can be jitted with equinox.filter_jit. (If you are not sure, run it and set it to False if it does not work)
  • batch_size_per_mrc: if your function is jittable we will vmap the computation of the images, which might have a big memory usage. If you get some "Ran out of memory" error, then adjust this batch size. Setting it to "None" will assume no batching needs to be done. Setting it to 1 runs the code in serial mode.
  • seed: a seed for generating noise (Optional)
  • overwrite: whether or not you want existing files to be overwritten.
  • compression: mrcfile compression, see the mrcfile library docs for more information.

If you add a seed, then compute_image should take a jax.random.PRNGKey as its first argument (next example), which is needed to generate a sample of the noise from whatever distribution you define.

Inside our code we will call your compute_image function to generate an image stack, and then save it as an mrcfile.

For more information on imaging pipelines check the Simulate an image tutorial.

Simulating images with a noise distribution¤

In this example we will use a cryojax distribution to add the noise, but in practice you can do it however you want.

We need a different dataset, as we will save these images in a different folder

# First load the starfile

path_to_mrc_files = "./relion_dataset_particles/with_noise"

metadata_for_noise_images = RelionParticleMetadata(
    path_to_starfile="./",  # starfile we created
    path_to_relion_project=path_to_mrc_files,  # here is where the mrcs will be saved

the other parameters do not change, so there is no need to initialize them again.

We will follow a simular approach as before. First, let's write a function that generates a distribution from a RelionParticleParameters:

from cryojax.inference import distributions as dist

def build_distribution_from_relion_particle_parameters(
    relion_particle_parameters: RelionParticleParameters,
    args: Any,
) -> dist.IndependentGaussianFourierModes:
    potential, potential_integrator = args

    structural_ensemble = cxs.SingleStructureEnsemble(
        potential, relion_particle_parameters.pose

    scattering_theory = cxs.WeakPhaseScatteringTheory(
    imaging_pipeline = cxs.ContrastImagingPipeline(
        relion_particle_parameters.instrument_config, scattering_theory
    distribution = dist.IndependentGaussianFourierModes(
    return distribution

and a function that generates an image

def compute_image_with_noise(
    key: PRNGKeyArray,
    relion_particle_parameters: RelionParticleParameters,
    args: Any,
    distribution = build_distribution_from_relion_particle_parameters(
        relion_particle_parameters, args
    return distribution.sample(key)

and generate an image from such distribution

key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

image_with_noise = compute_image_with_noise(
    key, metadata_for_noise_images[0], (potential, potential_integrator)
plot_image(image_with_noise, plt.figure(), plt.gca(), label="Simulated Image with noise");
No description has been provided for this image

Lastly, let's generate a stack with noise

args = (potential, potential_integrator)  # the args compute_image takes


Now we can load our images using RelionParticleStackReaders

particle_reader_noiseless = RelionParticleDataset(metadata)

particle_reader_noisy = RelionParticleDataset(metadata_for_noise_images)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))

for a in ax:

im1 = plot_image(
    label="image without noise",

im2 = plot_image(
    label="image with noise",
No description has been provided for this image